Which Energy Healing Service Is Right For Me?
Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy, Intuitive Readings, Crystal Readings, and Akashic Record Readings are powerful healing modalities to clear and remove blocks to facilitate the release of old, dated, undesired patterns and learned conditioning. As blockages are cleared, and programs are removed, energetic space is available. This space is ripe with receptivity to embracing healing energies. The energy that flows. The energy that creates ease and freedom in personal expression, physical movement, and emotional experiences.
But which service is the best fit for where you are right now? Great question! Below are guidelines to help you discern which service will help you on your path based on where you are, right now.
Reiki - If you are seeking relief on a physical, emotional, or mental level and want a relaxing experience to move energy, this is the service for you.
Spiritual Response Therapy - If you are experiencing or aware of chronic patterns that seem "stuck" regardless of what you do, consider SRT. SRT clears past life energies that may be causing a problem now. This is especially so for those "unexplained" patterns.
Intuitive Readings - If your focus is more in the immediate and near term regarding your health, career, relationship, or finances, and you are looking for guidance and actions steps, this service is for you. While some healing and energy movement occurs, the primary focus is on receiving messages and information.
Crystal Readings - If your focus is similar to an Intuitive Reading but you want a different perspective, this is the service for you. In an Intuitive Reading, the information originates from your soul and your guides; whereas in a Crystal Reading, the source of information is from the crystals you select and your guides.
Akashic Record Reading - If you are looking to gain a broader perspective as to why something is occurring in your life or why you are experiencing a certain challenge, an Akashic Record Reading is an excellent option. Healing, moving energy, and seeing your current life challenge from the perspective of your soul offers a great sense of freedom and a recognition of who you are at a soul level.
Using your intuition, sink into each service and feel what is right for you. And, if you are still unsure, reach out and I'm happy to help you! Blessings Friends!