What Do You Wish for When the New Moon is in Taurus?
This week's New Moon is in Taurus. Taurus is a sign that values comfort, security, and pleasure more than any of the other signs by engaging the physical senses!
By harnessing the new moon’s energy in this sign, it’s easier to manifest your heart’s desires. What are you wishing for when the new moon is in Taurus? Join me this Sunday for our New Moon Manifesting Meet up Group. We’ll cover specific Taurus topics to manifest including:
* Money and possessions
* Physical comforts like aromas tastes, sensuality
* Enjoyment encompassing appreciation, gratitude, and satisfaction
* Self-development of patience, steadfastness, and trustworthiness
* Self-worth through self-acceptance and boundaries
* Releasing inflexibility and resistance to change
* Maximize good health, especially with the vocal cords
This class includes meditation, intentional journaling, crystal cleansing and charging, a guided exercise and visualization to align your intention with the new moon energies. Join our Meetup group and RSVP today!