Lessons in Letting Go
There are times you will need to firmly close the door to the past in your life in order to open new doors that allow you to walk into opportunity.
It seems the "new" part is beckoning with excitement, wonder, and curiosity. But sometimes closing the door can feel bittersweet. Sure, there are some doors we are happy to firmly close! Like a breakup or a job that was unfulfilling or unrewarding.
In the middle between closing the door and opening the next one is a transition. And the transition can be tricky. It might feel unsettling. It might not feel stable. You may find yourself vacillating back and forth, feeling a range of emotions.
It's okay. That's part of the plan. I like to use that time to reflect on lessons learned and areas of forgiveness of myself and others. It helps lead the path towards gratitude and then, somehow magically, when the time is right, that new door opens and I'm right there in it.
Give yourself permission to look at what no longer serves you in your life and allow yourself, with grace and ease, to close that door with full knowledge and confidence, that something even better, is headed your way.