Intuitive Readings at Lighthouse Bookstore - April 16, 2021

If you're in the Boulder, Colorado area today, stop by Lighthouse Bookstore for an Intuitive Reading. If you are wondering what kind of information you can receive in a reading? See if any of this rings true for you: 

Get confirmation or encouragement that you are on your path and making the best decisions for your highest good

Access and visibility to blind spots or hidden aspects of yourself shaping your thoughts or feelings on a situation

Receive guided answers and information to your concerns or areas of question

Gain visibility to the influences as to where you are now, where you want to be, and your next steps on any given circumstance or situation

What are you waiting for? Stop by or call and ask for Julie @ClearIntuition
1201 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302 or call (303) 939-8355